साझेदारी गर्नुहोस्

A 21 year old Nepali origin boy Dibesh Pokhrel makes to Top 10 of American Idol. he was selected in top 10 of american idol by singing Country Road song. On Sunday night’s show, which again featured singers performing from their homes across the country amid the corona virus pandemic, “Idol” cut its list of Top 20 performers to 11. The Top 10 finalists were determined by audience votes collected after the Top 20 each performed from home last week. The judges chose to save one additional singer. He is named as Arthur Gunn. He completed his +2 in Kathmandu then after he went to America for higher studies. He has interest in music from long time. He has made to the top 10 of American idol, he was praised from judge and audiences from the beginning.

He writes this on facebook thanking all,

Here we go, on to the Top 10. Thank you everyone for supporting since the start, words won’t do justice for how much i appreciate this massive support from all around the world. Thank you for voting!!!To be standing here and having your open ears towards me, it’s beyond any dreams. I have seen a lot of best musicians, artist, playing out in the streets, empty halls with few ears, and so on. I feel blessed for being able to sing for you all and have my voice heard. I’m excited to get on the road one of these days to perform and have good times with you all.

With respect and love,
Dibesh Pokharel (Arthur Gunn)