Nawazuddin Siddiqui, whose birthday it is today, suddenly finds himself the subject of unexpected headlines. The actor, 46 today, has been sent a divorce notice by his wife of 11 years, Aaliya, who revealed in an interview to IE news a day ago that the couple had been troubled for the last decade – that’s pretty much their entire married life – and that she used the lockdown as an opportunity to end the marriage. News agency PTI confirmed yesterday that Aaliya Siddiqui had sent her husband a notice via Whatsapp and email this month. Nawazuddin Siddiqui is currently in his hometown of Budhana in Uttar Pradesh – he reached last Saturday after receiving permission o travel in the lockdown, and is now on the mandatory two-week home quarantine.
- यी खानेकुरा हरु खाएर कम गर्न सकिन्छ कोलेस्ट्रोल
- हरियो सागपातमा पालक सबैभन्दा बहुमुखी हो, यस्ता छन् पालक खानुका फाइदाहरु
- चुकन्दर निकै उपयोगी फल हो, चुकन्दर खानु को फाइदाहरु ?
- घाम बाहेक यी खानेकुरा बाट पाउन सकिन्छ भिटामिन डि
- यी १० खाने कुरा जाडोमा खानु पर्दछ
- अध्ययन अनुसार के छ त स्याउ खानुको फाइदाहरु ?
- रुसि सेनामा भर्ती हुन पुगेका शुन्दर मोक्तानको मृत्युको खबरले परिवार शोकमा
- काठमाडौं को तरकारी तथा फलफुल ब्यापारीमा कोरोना सन्क्रमण