
समाजवादी पार्टी का नेता पुगे सरकारी वकिलको मा

समाजवादी पार्टी का नेता पुगे सरकारी वकिलको मा

News in Nepali मङ्लबार, बैशाख १६, २०७७

अपहरणको उजुरी दर्ता गर्न प्रहरीले नमानेपछि जनता समाजवादी पार्टीका नेताहरू सरकारकी वकिलको कार्यकालय काठमाडौंमा गएका छन् । उनीहरू सांसद डा. सुरेन्द्र यादवलाई अपहरण गरेको उजुरी दर्ता गराउनका लागि वकिलको...

सबै पढ्नुहोस्
Dhangadi’s woman tests 5th time Corona positive

Dhangadi’s woman tests 5th time Corona positive

टप खबर मङ्लबार, बैशाख १६, २०७७

The woman, receiving treatment at Seti Provincial Hospital for Corona virus infection, has tested positive for coronavirus for the fifth time. She is the first case of local transmission...

सबै पढ्नुहोस्
2 new Corona cases confirmed in Rautahat, Nepal

2 new Corona cases confirmed in Rautahat, Nepal

टप खबर मङ्लबार, बैशाख १६, २०७७

There are two new cases corona from Rautahat district of Nepal. On e is 24 years old man and another is 21 years old man. The 24-year-old person, who...

सबै पढ्नुहोस्
Kim Jong Un is Alive or Dead, Facts till now

Kim Jong Un is Alive or Dead, Facts till now

टप खबर मङ्लबार, बैशाख १६, २०७७

For the past week rumours have been swirling through online forums and amongst North Korea watchers that the country’s dictator is dead. Kim Jong-un has not been seen in...

सबै पढ्नुहोस्
Corona virus cases in Africa has rises by 40 percent in 10 days

Corona virus cases in Africa has rises by 40 percent in 10 days

बिश्व मङ्लबार, बैशाख १६, २०७७

The number of coronavirus cases in Africa has risen by 40 per cent in just 10 days, with a major outbreak expected. More than 30,000 cases have been confirmed...

सबै पढ्नुहोस्
Delhi Hospital claims to cure Corona patient from plasma therapy

Delhi Hospital claims to cure Corona patient from plasma therapy

बिश्व सोमवार, बैशाख १५, २०७७

A private hospital in the Delhi,Inida claimed that a coronavirus patient, who was administered plasma therapy for the first time in the facility, was discharged on Sunday after being...

सबै पढ्नुहोस्
New York may open from May 15

New York may open from May 15

बिश्व सोमवार, बैशाख १५, २०७७

New York, which has ground to a halt to stop the coronavirus pandemic, may start reopening manufacturing and construction after May 15, Governor Andrew Cuomo said Sunday. Cuomo, however,...

सबै पढ्नुहोस्
Germany Flips to Apple-Google Approach on Smartphone Contact Tracing

Germany Flips to Apple-Google Approach on Smartphone Contact Tracing

प्रबिधि सोमवार, बैशाख १५, २०७७

ermany changed course on Sunday over which type of smartphone technology it wanted to use to trace coronavirus infections, backing an approach supported by Apple and Google along with...

सबै पढ्नुहोस्
Corona man Allegedly Jumps To Death At Banglore, India

Corona man Allegedly Jumps To Death At Banglore, India

समाचार सोमवार, बैशाख १५, २०७७

A 50-year old coronavirus patient allegedly committed suicide by jumping from the fifth floor of a hospital building here on Monday, police said. The patient jumped from the trauma...

सबै पढ्नुहोस्
UK pm Borris Johnson to join office

UK pm Borris Johnson to join office

बिश्व सोमवार, बैशाख १५, २०७७

Boris Johnson will resume his duties on Monday after recovering at his country residence since his release from hospital on April 12. Britain on Sunday reported its lowest daily...

सबै पढ्नुहोस्
घ​ट्यो पेट्रोलियम पदार्थको मुल्य